Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Business Connectivity Services

Business Connectivity Services
Business Connectivity Services (BCS) formerly known as Business Data Catalog (BDC) in a SharePoint 2010 enables easier integration with Line Of Business systems. This allows developers to perform CRUD operations on data they need for a particular business process in one place regardless whether data is housed in SharePoint or otherwise.
The idea behind this functionality is to expose Line of Business data from your back end services (such as People Soft, SAP, custom databases etc.) to business analysts so they can use them within SharePoint. Each piece of information (for example a table in a database that has your Customers information) can be exposed as an External Content Type (ECT) by an IT professional or a developer using SharePoint Designer 2010. Then a business analyst can use SharePoint through the web browser to make an External List which uses this ECT. The result will be that they have a list now showing information straight from the Customers table. When anyone manipulates the information in that External List, it will actually be written back to that table in the database.
Benefits of ECTs:
1. Reusability
2. Enabling working offline Mode
3. Secure Access
4. Encapsulate complexities of external systems.
5. Allows user to perform CRUD operations easily.
6. Integrated with SharePoint provides built in Office and SharePoint behavior.
After you create an external content type, you can use any of the presentation features of Microsoft Business Connectivity Services (BCS) to provide a rich experience to the user, without writing any code.
Presentation Features on the SharePoint 2010 Server
1. External Lists in SharePoint 2010 exposes BCS entities to the end user through familiar SharePoint List UI.
2. External Data Columns: The Business Data list column type is now renamed External Data column, and it enables users to add data from external content types to standard SharePoint lists.
3. External Data Web Parts: BCS continues to offer Web Parts: External Data List, External Data Item, External Data Item Builder, External Data Related List, and External Data Connectivity Filter.
4. External Content Type Picker: An External Content Type Picker provides picking and resolving functionality to the user. You can embed a picker in a form or page for scenarios where a user should be able to pick an external content type from the list of available external content types.
5. Profile Pages: Profile Pages are SharePoint pages on the server that display the details about an external item. Just like any other SharePoint Web Part page, you can customize this page to show details of an external item.

SharePoint 2010 Sandbox Solutions

Sandbox is a safe virtual container, in which untrusted programs can run safely. In this environment, program runs in strict limitations on what system resources the program can access. Sandboxes are used when executable code comes from unknown or untrusted sources and allow the user to run untrusted code safely.
A sandboxed solution can be monitored by two levels of administrators, the site collection administrator monitor the site collection and farm administrator monitors on per site collection basis through central admin site. A sandboxed solution can be deployed easily by site administrator of a site collection.
The sandbox in SharePoint is implemented as a separate process where your sandbox solution code will run. In fact, there are three processes.
User Code Service
SPUCHostService.exe, also known as the User Code Service. This service runs on each server on the farm that we are going to allow to work in the sandbox. Thus the infrastructure ogres can choose to run this service on all, or only a certain subset of the servers in the farm. This is an important consideration, because this constitutes an important part around the administration of sandbox solution infrastructure, namely the load balancing aspects. There are two approaches to load balancing sandbox solutions on your SharePoint Farm.
Sandbox Worker Process
The sandbox worker process SPUCWorkerprocess.exe is where your actual code runs! This is in contrast to having the code run inside of w3wp.exe. This is why you don't have to restart the application pool every time your redeploy an sandbox solution.
Sandbox Worker Process Proxy
The Sandbox worker process proxy SPUCWorkerProcessProxy.exe, which is built on the new services infrastructure in SharePoint.
Sandbox assemblies run under a separate service called as SPUserCodeV4. The sandboxed solutions are also restricted by an out of the box CAS policy. The CAS policy for sandbox solutions grants you the following policy permissions:
1. SharePointPermission.ObjectModel
2. SecurityPermission.Execution
3. AspNetHostingPermission.Level = Minimal
With default CAS, there is a limited access to SharePoint Object Model, No file I/O, no call to web service. There are two other important points to note in this out of the box CAS Policy
1. While your code is restricted to the CAS policy permissions defined above, it allows the SharePoint framework code full trust.
2. If your custom code needs to break out of this sandbox's boundaries, you can always write a full-trust proxy.

This means we can’t elevate privileges in such an environment and we land up with complex solutions, sandbox solutions are bad in such scenarios. However, before implementing any sandbox solutions, we must consider constraints under which it has to be executed.
With Sandbox solutions, web parts derived from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart is not supported, only support web parts derived from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebPart namespace.

Disadvantages of Sandbox solutions:
1. No support to Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages namespace.
2. It’s more secure, can’t elevate privileges and leads to more complex codes.
3. Making web service calls over the internet, or accessing code that is not marked to allow partially trusted callers are not supported. You also can’t deploy files to disk or add assemblies to the GAC in a sandboxed solution, and security-related functionality, such as running RunWithElevatedPriviledges and other SPSecurity methods, is not allowed.
4. No support to SPUtility.SendEmail namespace for sending mails.

Friday, July 25, 2008

How to get data from your SharePoint lists in XML format?

A technique we used extensively in STS still applies to WSS: How to get data from your SharePoint lists in XML format. It's actually quite simple, and you don't need to use web services to get it.

WSS supports a number of protocols to interact with the data. SOAP and WEBDAV immediately come to mind for most of you, but you may be forgetting the elusive URL Protocol (GET). Luckily for you, it's simple to use, and returns data in the MS-standard rowset stream format.

Follow along with these steps, and you'll be pleased with the results, I'm certain.

Determine the GUID of a list whose data you need in XML.
Navigate to the allitems.aspx view of the list in question
Click the "Modify Settings and Columns" link on the left side
Copy the List's GUID (including curly braces) from the address bar
Construct the URL to retrieve the list's data in XML format (it's case sensitive, be careful!)
The requested object is http://servername/sitename/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll
The object will expect three parameters: Cmd, List and XMLDATA (case sensitive)
Since we're displaying items (in XML format), the value of the Cmd parameter should be Display
We want to grab the list whose GUID we determined in step one; the value of the List parameter is this GUID (including curly braces)
Of course, we want XML data to be returned; the value of the XMLDATA parameter will be TRUE
Putting this together, we get a URL that looks like this:

Sit back and marvel at how easy it is to get a rowset out of SharePoint without using the Object Model or the Web Services. You can point a Data View web part to this URL and grab data from another SharePoint site without adding the whole site to your DV catalog listing.

You may find that it doesn't return EVERY field. That's right: It returns fields that are defined in the default "allitems" view of that particular list. If you want more fields, you have two choices:

Modify the allitems.aspx view to show more fields (easy)
Pass an additional URL parameter, View, with the GUID value of the view whose fields you want to return (a little more involved/tedious)

Feature Stapling

One of the big problems people faced in WSS (V2) was that user was not able to customize out of the box site definitions. One of the big reasons for this was that we might need to update that site definition in a Service Pack and overwrite user changes.
So what happens if you want to associate a Feature with a site definition?
Well, as you should know by now, it is not advisable to modify the out of the box site definitions. So how do you do this?
This is where Feature Stapling comes in...

Feature Stapling allows you to “staple” a Feature to a site definition without modifying it in any way. This means you can add your feature to all sites created using that site definition.
The idea is that you can staple a Feature to a configuration defined within a site definition so that the Feature is automatically activated whenever a new site is provisioned from that specific configuration.
To create a staple you actually create another Feature that does the staple. The second Feature must provide a FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation element which specifies the identifying GUID of the target feature along with a formatted string used to identify a site definition and a target configuration.
for example:

<FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation Id="29D85C25-170C-4df9-A641-12DB0B9D4130" TemplateName="STS#0" />

This is very powerful as it allows you to add functionality to site definitions without having to modify the site definitions themselves.

Now ... one last final note on this, if you want to staple your Feature to ALL site definitions then you can staple it to the GLOBAL site definition and it will be added to all sites that are created.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

SharePoint Designer - how to edit a page?

In SharePoint 2003 (WSSv2) with FrontPage, it was so easy to edit a page. Just open the page you want to edit in Internet Explorer and hit the "Edit in FrontPage" icon at the toolbar.
Well, the good news are that in SharePoint 2007 (WSSv3) the same applies, but only for some of the pages, while other pages will tell you "This page cannot be edited in SharePoint Designer".
This article will explain what is going on, and how to get each type of page to be editable in SharePoint Designer.
Lets start easy- when you create a WSSv3 web site from one of the default template such as team site, blank site etc...you will have no problems using the easy button -edit in SharePoint Designer.You can also open the SharePoint site or page for editing from within SharePoint Designer using the "Open Site" or "Open.." dialogs within the application.
When you open such a page from such a site directly from Internet Explorer, or from SharePoint Designer, you will see the page in SharePoint Designer, and be able to modify it using the designer mode or the code mode.
So far so good right?
So lets figure out why some of the pages give us the following message when we try to edit them in SharePoint Designer:
"This page cannot be edited in SharePoint Designer. You can edit the content in the browser, or edit the corresponding page layout in SharePoint Designer"
Why is that? well, simply because the page you are trying to edit is under the publishing feature. It is a publishing page, and as such, by default, gets it's layout from the layout page and the master page.
The only change you should be doing on such a page is edit it in the browser and add\remove\change web parts in it.
However, there is a way to work around this - detach it from it's layout page. This is similar to the ghosting\unghosting process that we had back in SharePoint 2003 (WSSv2), but with the added benefit that we can allways roll back the change.
It also means that in the first time you will edit that page, you will have to start from SharePoint Designer to do it:
Open the site that contains the page in SharePoint Designer (use "File>Open Site") and browse to the page you want to edit in the folder list.
Right click the file, and choose "Detach from page layout". This will unghost the file - copying it's layout from the layout page into the database, and so allowing you to edit it, just like you used to do in SharePoint 2003
Unlike sharepoint 2003, you can take it back, and reattach the file.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Leverage SPUtility.ValidateFormDigest() for CSRF mitigation

To protect against cross-site request forgery, be sure your custom built aspx pages call SPUtility.ValidateFormDigest(). Sharepoint pages includes a hidden token in the postback which is unique to the user and the request. ValidateFormRequest() can be called in your custom aspx pages directly, or if you inherit from the WSS master page, to ensure you’re leveraging this same protection.

If your code is processing a POST request then make sure you call SPUtility.ValidateFormDigest() before you do anything else. This will ensure that the post request is validated (that it is not a cross-site scripting attack) and after that you will not have to worry about AllowUnsafeUpdates, because its default value will be “true” after the form digest is validated.

Don’t enable AllowUnsafeUpdates property to true. When set to true the AllowUnsafeUpdates value tells Sharepoint to allow actions and data from GET requests to modify the database. By not allowing GET requests to modify data (this is the default), you’ve effectively protected against CSRF attacks which exploit GET requests. This is supplementary to ValidateFormRequest() above which only works with POST requests.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

SharePoint Elevated Privilege without RunWithElevatedPrivelege

You may need to elevate privilege if the current user doesn't have permission to read that object from the SPSite. In this case, you'll need to elevate privilege just to get the user token, but we don't want to perform any operations inside RunWithElevatedPrivilege, we only want to get a token out (which is basically a simple byte array). You could also cache the system token in the application if you needed to.
Best Practices for Elevated Privilege in SharePoint:
Elevated Privilege can be used to bypass or work with security, and can be performed either through SPSecurity or through impersonation techniques involving the SPUserToken and the SPSite class. It's one of the most misunderstood aspects of the SharePoint API, but in general you should always prefer impersonation using the SPSite class and SPUserToken objects. Here's my list of best practices for elevated privilege code in SharePoint that will help you create more reliable applications for the enterprise.
• Avoid using SPSecurity.RunwithElevatedPrivilege to access the SharePoint object model. Instead, use the SPUserToken to impersonate with SPSite.
• If you do use SPSecurity.RunwithElevatedPrivilege, dispose of all objects in the delegate. Do not pass SharePoint objects out of the RunwithElevatedPrivilege method.
• Only use SPSecurity.RunwithElevatedPrivilege to make network calls under the application pool identity. Don't use it for elevation of privilege of SharePoint objects.
• Always use the SPSite constructor with an SPUserToken to create an elevated privilege security context in SharePoint. To impersonate the system, use the SystemAccount.UserToken property of the current SPSite context, such as:
var site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.ID, SPContext.Current.Site.SystemAccount.UserToken);
• Avoid passing SharePoint objects between different security contexts (SPSite instances), with the exception of the SPUserToken used in the SPSite ctor. An SPUser object created from SPSite A cannot (reliably) be passed to SPSite B. This can be the source of obscure bugs in production that are difficult to reproduce in development. For example, an SPUser reference created from SPContext.Current.Site cannot reliably be used in an elevated site context, as the user reference may take on a different meaning in the alternate context.
• Never use elevated privilege to bypass security-- always use it to work with security.
• Restrict what assemblies can use elevated privilege by running in minimal trust, avoiding the GAC, and auditing any CAS policies deployed with vendor solutions.
A better way to do perform system actions is to impersonate the SHAREPOINT\system account. Impersonation is a concept that is built into the object model, but is underutilized by developers.
The SPSite object takes an SPUserToken object in its constructor in order to support impersonation. (This does require Impersonate="True" for the Microsoft.SharePoint.Security.SharePointPermission permission class). You can impersonate any user when creating the SPSite context-- so to get the system account, just use the magic system account "SHAREPOINT\system".
Here's a code sample of SYSTEM ACCOUNT impersonation. The SYSTEM ACCOUNT uses the login name "SHAREPOINT\system" internally while it will use the process identity (usually that means the application pool identity, but it could be the service identity if a task was run as a timer job) when making external network calls. Note that the account is abstracted, and when a request comes into the system AS this account it will take on the identity of SYSTEM ACCOUNT.
Here's the code sample. Grab a user object, and then grab the SPUserToken for impersonation:

var user = SPContext.Current.Web.AllUsers[@"SHAREPOINT\SYSTEM"];
var superToken = user.UserToken;
using (var site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Url, superToken))
// This code runs under the security context of the SHAREPOINT\system
// for all objects accessed through the "site" reference. Note that it's a
// different reference than SPContext.Current.Site.
using(var elevatedWeb = site.OpenWeb())
// Perform actions as SYSTEM here

Because the thread identity hasn't changed, this will produce more stable code in most circumstances, although you should be aware that ONLY objects that are referenced from the elevated site context will run as system.